To allow Ardens to automatically upload data to Ardens Manager, SystmOne practices must ensure they have signed the relevant data processing agreement on Ardens Manager and joined the organisation group within SystmOne.

Please note that you will not be able to complete Step 2 until you have had an email from Ardens stating that you are ready for the second task to be actioned.

Step 1: Log in to Ardens Manager

Please note that only Ardens Manager System Administrators will be able to see this task

1. Click review and then sign the 'Accept Terms of Supply and Use' task

Step 2: Log in to SystmOne and join the Ardens Manager SRE organisation group

Please note that only SystmOne System Administrators will be able complete the steps below

2. Go to Setup > Users & Policy > Organisation Groups

3. Untick 'Only show groups this organisation has joined'

4. Scroll to Wiltshire > Right click on the relevant organisation group e.g.  'Ardens Manager SRE (number)' > Select Join group

5. We will then contact you when we are ready to accept your request and activate your organisation


If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact the Ardens Manager Support Team on: [email protected]