The Network Contract DES dashboard is available to National Contract Subscribers and allows organisations to monitor Network Contract DES requirements such as IIF, Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme and Capacity and Access.
Please note - manual data uploads from SystmOne or EMIS are not supported. Practices must be active on automatic uploads to populate this dashboard. To initial Automatic uploads, please press the 'Request Setup' button on the Ardens Manager homepage. For further information on setting automatic uploads, please select here.
The Network Contract 2024 - 25 Dashboard can be accessed via the Contracts icon and selecting the Network Contract DES 2024-25 contract.
The top of the dashboard will allow you to navigate through the different Network Contract DES requirements, with Overview tab grouping all areas together.
The IIF tab will allow you to monitor performance for the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF). For this fiscal year there are two indicators for IIF, focusing on Cancer and Learning Disability.
The Data tab will allow you to see the achievement of IIF by patient and points.
You are able to monitor your percentage achieved, and if you have met the lower or upper threshold:
The Achieved column will indicate by a traffic light system on how your organisation is performing:
- Red - below points target.
- Amber - within the lower upper threshold.
- Green - maximum points reached.
The Remaining to Achieve column highlights outstanding patients in terms of points and patients. The column can be sorted by maximum/minimum points left, or points of number of patients.
Capacity & Access
The Capacity & Access dashboard provides data from various data sources, e.g. GPAD, GP Patient Survey, Friends and Family Test.
It shows data to support the demand and capacity of workforce, access, triage, appointments and the overall patient experience.
It includes a Organisation Activity section to record improvement:
Further areas of the dashboard include ARRS, Enhanced Access and Care Homes.
To learn further on how to use Ardens Manager and the QOF Dashboard, sign up to Ardens Academy, our free online learning platform to enhance your experience of the dashboard.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact the Ardens Manager Support Team on: [email protected]