To view patient data in Ardens Manager, specific criteria must be met. For more details, please refer to our guide on enabling patient access.

Note: The data in these examples does not represent real patients.

For information on data sharing and processing, including our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please follow the link to our guidance. 

Navigating to Patient-Level Data

  1. To view patient level data, please ensure you are on the single report page. You can access this page from any dashboard by clicking the 'View' button next to the report. 
  2. Please then click on the PATIENTS tab. 

Using the Patient List

  • A maximum of 10 patients are displayed per page.
  • You can use the arrows below the patient list to navigate between pages.

  • To copy a patient’s NHS number, simply click the copy icon located next to the patient's details.

Note: We are currently working on a feature that will allow you to export entire patient lists.

Access denied messages

Historic Data

  • You cannot view patient level data for historic uploads. For example, if you are viewing Q2 data, access to Q1 data will currently be unavailable. 

  • To view the most recent data, click the arrow button next to the date in the top right corner of the screen.

Group-Level Patient Level Data

  • Patient access is not currently available at the group level (e.g., PCN). To view patient data, ensure that you are viewing data for a specific GP practice. You can select the practice using the drop-down menu.

Note: If you are active at a group level (e.g., PCN) and need patient-level access, please contact us for further assistance.

 Coming Soon

  • Exporting entire patient lists 
  • Filtering patients lists, for example filtering by Gender, Core20PLUS5 or Long Term Conditions.
  • Open patient record

Further information on all new functioning is coming soon.