Ardens includes a comprehensive suite of case finding reports for EMIS Web and SystmOne to support practices to improve data quality and ensure QOF payments are correctly calculated. The case finder reports will identify missing and incorrect codes affecting your chronic disease prevalence and therefore payment.
Please see the support articles below for how to access and use the reports in your clinical system.
EMIS Web - Case Finder Searches
SystmOne - Case Finder Reports
Ardens Manager can be used to monitor those patients at GP practice, PCN and ICB level. The case finder reports are available on the QOF dashboard and can be accessed providing you are a National Contract Subscriber.
Access the QOF Dashboard by clicking on the Contracts icon.
Followed by QOF 2024-25 contract.
Within the Overview tab and the Data Tab selected, scroll down to the Case Finders section.
Select Show all to display all patients identified in the Case Finders Searches/Reports.
Selecting the Payment Tab will display the predictive monetary value of those patients not coded correctly, therefore not on the chronic disease registers.
Hovering over the report name, will give you the option to copy the report name and paste this into the search field of your clinical system, to locate the report to identify the patients and make any relevant coding corrections.
If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact the Ardens Manager Support Team on: [email protected]