To access your Locally Commissioned Contract on Ardens Manager, the practice organisation(s) must first ensure the invitation has been accepted. 

N.B - the invitation only needs to be accepted by one person in the organisation.

Log in to Ardens Manager and navigate to the Tasks area.

The tasks can be located via the home screen:

Alternatively, you can access via the tasks icon located at the top of the screen:

Locate the 'Your Group LCS 2023-24: Accept contract invitation' invitation and click on the ACCEPT button.

Once the contract invitation has been accepted you can then start uploading your data. 

If required please follow this link to sign the contract on Ardens Manager - N.B you will only need to sign the contract if requested to do so

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact the Ardens Manager Support Team on: [email protected]