You can use the indicator name in Ardens Manager to find the equivalent report/search in EMIS/SystmOne where you can then run these and view any patient details as required. 

Identifying the indicator name in Ardens Manager

The label name for some indicators will match the search/report name in your clinical system. This is typically for national contract dashboards that have specific indicators.

For others hovering over the label name will show the clinical system search/report name. 

You can also find the name of the EMIS/SystmOne search/report when viewing the indicator information in Ardens Manager. This can be done by clicking on the 'Rules' tab and then selecting the required indicator.

How to access patient details in EMIS

1. Navigate the Ardens folder structure to locate the equivalent search manually. 

2. Use the 'Find' icon in Population Reporting to search by name. You can copy and paste the name from Ardens Manager to save time.

How to access patient details in SystmOne

1. Navigate the Ardens folder structure to locate the equivalent report manually.

2. Use the 'Search reports' option in Clinical Reporting to search by name. You can copy and paste the name from Ardens Manager to save time.

Note - SystmOne has a limit you can search on (50 characters) so you may need to reduce the name.

If you require any further assistance on the process above, please contact the Ardens Manager Support Team on: