Ardens Manager hosts regular free webinars, to view previous recordings of the webinars, please click here.

July 2024

Getting Started with Ardens Manager

Tuesday 16th July, 12:30 pm

This webinar will guide you through the core features of Ardens Manager, enabling you to optimise the utilisation of dashboards. We will explore how to easily monitor trend lines, add localised targets, add and review comments to emphasis key actions, benchmark activity and effectively manage organisational activity to provide evidence of work, amongst other useful features. 

Watch the recording here

Managing Appointment Demand and Capacity using Ardens Manager

Wednesday 17th July, 1pm

The Ardens Manager "Appointments Dashboard" helps you to proactively manage the demand and capacity of appointments. The dashboard includes comprehensive data on past and future appointment activities, DNAs, frequent attenders, unused slot types, and waiting times.

Join this webinar to discover the key features and to get the most out of this dashboard.

Watch the recording here 


If you are interested in training for your practice, PCN or ICB, please contact to discuss your requirements.