If your Local Contract on Ardens Manager has been built to record and manage payments, under the payment section on the Contracts tab, you will be able to see 'Record payment on Ardens Manager' listed next to mechanism.

Once the contract is active, you will also be able to click into the Payment tab to view this dashboard.

The Payment framework will determine how the calculations are made for the payment tab dashboard. There are 4 payment frameworks:

  1. Point payments
  2. Activity payments with instalments
  3. Activity payments
  4. Block payments

1. Point payments

Point payment frameworks work in a similar way to QOF and NCD payments. Payment is calculated using the below formula. Please note that this formula may vary depending on the specific contract.

Point Value: For local contracts, the point value is usually derived from the average practice list size of the commissioning group however it can be set to any figure the commissioner chooses. 

Provider Register: The provider registers are extracted and updated from the NHS digital website on a monthly basis.

Average Provider Register: The average provider register is the average list size across the commissioning group.

Provider Disease or Indicator Count: Within each contract section you will be able to see whether disease prevalence or indicator prevalence is used to weight payment calculations. If 'Disease Prevalence' is used this means that your practices prevalence for the specific condition will be used to weight all indicator payments within this section. If the Average National Disease Prevalence is not entered, there is no disease prevalence weighting. If 'Indicator Prevalence' is used, each indicator will have it's own specific prevalence used for weighting.  

N.B. For HWE ICS practices only - As point value and average provider register are proportionate and there is no prevalence weighting (i.e. point value = £119.34 and average provider register =11,934) - if your practice list size is 11,934, for every point achieved, you will receive 1p per registered patient patient.