1. Accept Contract Invitation

If you have been invited to join a Local contract on Ardens Manager, you should see an invitation task in your task box once you login. If you have not been invited to a  Local contract and would like to discuss monitoring your LCS activity on Ardens Manager, please email support-manager@ardens.org.uk.

Once you hit the blue accept button you will see a popup with further information on who has added you to the contract. Please click on the navy accept button on this popup.

2. Upload Data Task

Once you have accepted the contract invitation, a new task will appear in your task box asking you to upload data for this contract. 

Once you have clicked the upload button you will see a list of instructions on how to upload your data. 

3. Go to SystmOne > Clinical Reporting 

First please go the Clinical Reporting section within SystmOne.

4. Go to Ardens Ltd > Contracts | 2023 24 | Local Contracts folder

Within the Ardens Ltd folder, please find your relevant reporting framework folder. 

For example, please find the c Annual folder if your Local Contract has an annual framework, or the d Q1 for a quarterly framework. 

5. Run and Export Data

In SystmOne you can only run a maximum of 150 reports at a time, therefore:

Select the first 150 reports by clicking and dragging down on the first report and looking at the number selected at the bottom of the screen, right click >Run. 

Then repeat this step starting where you left off until all of the reports in the folder have been run. 

6. Once all the reports have run, please right click on any report, select Table > Open as CSV

Pasting the Report into Ardens Manager

7. Highlight all data in the CSV file by pressing CTRL + A on your keyboard. 

8. With all data highlighted, press CTRL + C on your keyboard to copy all information.

9. Access Ardens Manager and click on the "Upload Local Contract Reports" upload button (found on the homepage or tasks option)

10. Click in the 'Click here and press....' box and press CTRL + V on your keyboard to paste the copied information.  

11. Once populated, click on the Import button. 

12. Go to the Local Contract dashboard

To view your data, please click on the Contracts icon in the top left of the screen. 

You should then be able to select your Local Contract from the list.